Unused Finishers | WrestleZone Forums

Publish date: 2024-05-18
So I was bored, watching past PPVs like I tend to do from time to time and this time I was watching the Elimination Chamber PPV from this year. During the Smackdown Elimination Chamber match, Edge catches Rey Mysterio in a Sit Out Powerbomb and it results in a 2 count, being an excellent false finish. It got me thinking a bit and one question came to mind; Why doesn't anyone use the Pwoerbomb as a finisher anymore? Sure, Sheamus uses the Razor's Edge which is kind of a variation of the Powerbomb, but it's not really a Powerbomb and frankly he finishes more matches with the Brogue Kick than that anyway.

So after pondering that for a little bit, I started thinking of more finishers that have been unused for a while now, thus the idea behind this thread. We already have the Powerbomb, so let's look at a couple of others.

The Fisherman Suplex- To the best of my knowledge, this is the move made famous by "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig. There may have been others to use it before him, but they're a bit before my time. The only man I recall using this move as a finisher in recent years was Val Venis, and that itself is a vague memory. It's an effective move that I could definitely see some of the guys today who don't really have a finisher to speak pulling out.

The Jackhammer- The move made famous by Goldberg has also seemingly been deserted since his retirement. Once again, I vaguely remember Billy Gunn using it for a while but then again, I vaguely remember Billy Gunn. Certainly there is someone today that could benefit from using a move with a pretty good history of putting people away. Not as easy to stick with someone as the Fisherman would be since the Jackhammer is a powerful move and would need a powerful man to pull it off.

So now I will send it to you.

What Finishers do you think have been grossly underutilized in the WWE?

Who do you think should use it?

Note that I put this in the WWE section since I don't really know who uses what in ROH or TNA.
