Birthday Cake for Jesus Recipe

Publish date: 2024-05-18

The below recipe incorporates the Christmas colors of red and green, as well as a story that helps us to focus on the life and work of Jesus. Visit our Christmas Symbols page to learn more about the symbolism and meaning of red and green at Christmas.

birthday cake for jesusIngredients:

2 boxes of white cake mix
Eggs (as directed on cake mix)
Oil (as directed on cake mix)
1 T. cocoa powder
1 T. red food coloring
1 small package (4 servings) of red gelatin
1 cup of boiling water
3 cans of white frosting


1. Mix ingredients according to cake mix directions.
2. Divide 3/4 of the batter into 3 round cake pans.
3. With the remaining 1/4 of the batter, add cocoa powder and red food coloring.
4. Bake cakes as directed and allow to cool.
5.Stir 1 cup of boiling water into gelatin and stir until completely dissolved (about 2 minutes). Allow to cool.
6. Pierce one of the white cakes with a fork and 1/2″ intervals, and pour gelatin over it.
7. Refrigerate the cake with gelatin for 3 hours.
8. Layer cakes as follows from bottom up: layer 1 (white), layer 2 (red), layer 3 (gelatin poke cake), layer 4 (white).

happy birthday jesusHow to use the cake:

Light candles on the cake and sing “Happy Birthday” to Jesus. After cutting a piece, explain the layers as follows:
Top Layer: Jesus lived a perfect and holy life (represented by white).
Middle Layers: Jesus was born into the world with real human blood that he spilled to completely cover over the darkness of our sin (represented by red).
Bottom Layer: Jesus’ blood washed over us to make us white as snow.

Read Isaiah 1:18 together: “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.”

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