Ellen Page Calls Out Video Game For Ripping Off Her Likeness

Publish date: 2024-05-17

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Ellen Page is not happy with Sony's latest video game "The Last Of Us."

The apocalyptic game made by Naughtydog was released by Sony earlier this week. Since the release of the first trailer back in 2011, many fans thought one of the main characters, Ellie, bore a striking resemblance to the actress.

Here's a look at the character in question now:

It appears Page thinks so, too.

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The Last of Us trailer
The Last of Us trailer

The actress hosted a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) over the weekend and when asked about the comparison by a fan, she didn't seem pleased.

"I guess I should be flattered that they ripped off my likeness," said Page. "But I am actually acting in a video game called Beyond Two Souls, so it was not appreciated."

The game Page is voicing is also for Sony. With the famous actress on board, "Beyond: Two Souls" deliberately made its title character look like Page. 

Developer Naughtydog did change the look of the character making her younger and to reflect Ashley Johnson, the actress playing Ellie.

Here's the before and after:


Creative director, Neil Druckman explained the change to IGN:

"After delving further into the game’s narrative over the past few months, we decided to modify Ellie’s model to better reflect [actress] Ashley [Johnson]’s personality, and also resemble a slightly younger teen more fitting to the story. We're happy with the final result shown in the cinematic we have released today, and hope the fans like her too."

Here's an image of "Last of Us" voice actress Ashley Johnson from 2006 when she had darker hair. Michael Buckner/Getty Images

IGN speculates the change may have come about because the games looked too similar.

"The Last of Us" follows a single father and a teenage girl trying to survive in a horror-action game. "Beyond: Two Souls" is a psychological thriller following what happens to us after death.

The first footage for "The Last of Us" was revealed back at the 2011 Video Game Awards. "Beyond: Two Souls" was later announced at Sony's 2012 E3 conference.

Naughtydog is Sony's powerhouse developer releasing hit after hit from "Crash Bandicoot" to the "Uncharted" series.

Here are more images of the character Ellie from "The Last of Us" as she looks now:

The Last of Us trailer
The Last Of Us

Here's Page's character in "Beyond: Two Souls":

Sony / Beyond: Two Souls

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