Supermarket in Austria is evacuated after banana-loving spider capable of causing permanent erection

Publish date: 2024-05-16

A spider sighting led to the evacuation of a supermarket in Austria, reportedly due to the presence of a banana-loving spider capable of causing persistent erections in men. The Penny shop in Krems an der Donau, located 45 miles west of Vienna, has remained closed since the incident. Emergency services were called to deal with the potential threat posed by the four-inch black and red spider, suspected to be a highly venomous Brazilian Wandering Spider that may have entered Europe by hiding in banana bunches.

An exterminator was summoned to address the situation, and the banana crates in the store were sealed off. However, the store is expected to stay closed until the following week. The retail group’s spokesperson mentioned that comprehensive cleaning and disinfection measures are being implemented for the store’s eventual reopening. Despite extensive searches, the spider has not yet been located.

Given the spider’s size and coloration, authorities believe it to be a Brazilian Wandering Spider, known for its lethal neurotoxin. This particular spider is among the world’s most venomous, with its bite potentially causing fatalities, hypothermia, blurred vision, convulsions, and, in some instances, erections. The spider’s venom is even being researched for potential use in treating erectile dysfunction, as it has been observed that a bite from this spider can induce painful erections lasting for up to four hours.

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