Pete Carroll 911 Conspiracy Led Him To Become Popular Activist In Truth Movement.

Publish date: 2024-05-16

Pete Carroll 911 is being widely surfed over the internet. He has a great interest in conspiracy theories and became known as a conspiracy theorist. 

After discussing the 9/11 “Truth movement,” he was the most searched topic on the internet. People wanted to know more about the conspiracy theory Pete presented. 

After the “Truth movement,” the Seattle Seahawks coach is gaining popularity.

Do read the article to know about Pete Carroll’s 911. 

Pete Carroll’s 9/11 Conspiracy Theory

The Seattle Seahawks fans admire Coach Pete Carroll’s dedication because his untiring efforts for the team have brought them two back-to-back victories in two years in Super Bowl.

Apart from the fan following due to his career as a coach, he had another fan following for a reason: These fans saw Carroll as a leader of a very different group — The Truth Movement Of 9/11.

Danny Torgersen, who is a member of the 9/11 Studies and Outreach Club at Arizona State University, told USA Today on Friday, “He’s kinda become an instant celebrity in the 9/11 Truth movement. He has won the Super Bowl once, he might win it again. That’s lots of credibility and popularity.

The members of the “Truth movement” were called “Truthers.” The members of the movement believed that the World Trade Center twin tower located in lower Manhattan was abolished on Sept. 11, 2001. 

They also believe that this directly resulted from the US Government’s planning. Many fans encourage Carroll for his movement.

However, the aim he’s working for is highly debatable.

Pete Carroll Met Army Cheif

Two years before his move, he met the Army chief of staff and four-star general Peter Chiarelli.

Deadspin, citing shares information through some sources which stated that many conspiracies had aroused concern with the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. 

Most conspiracy theories mainly mentioned the attack on the World Trade Centre.

Carroll was asked by USA Today about the “Truth movement.” Many fans and his supporters backed him, but Carrol made did nothing to deny his interest.

Pete told the USA about the reason for him to get popularity in his “Truth movement.” He said, “Any notoriety is good, I guess. I will always be interested in knowing and spreading the truth, yeah.

Pete Carroll 911 Conspiracy In Super Bowl

After the “Truth movement,” Pete began to get popular among the people. He was the coach of the Seattle Seahawks football team. 

Last year’s Super Bowl game brought more conspiracy when a Brooklyn man Mat Mills managed to seek the stage without getting sight while the Seahawks’ 43-8 victory over the Denver Broncos.

Matt made his way to the stage and was quite visible as the media started to give coverage to the man. He immediately ran onto the podium and grabbed the microphone before security could intervene. 

Matt said, “Investigate 9/11.people perpetrated 9/11 within our own government.” When the news topped the internet the next day, several activities began to occur on social media. 

Matt told USA Today, “Really, my memory of last year is that ‘Investigate 9/11’ was trending worldwide the next day. I feel proud of myself for having helped make that happen.

He added, “And I believe that the support from Pete Carroll does help our aim. Every single 9/11 skeptic that I have ever spoken to has great respect for him.
