WWE House Show Results (12/29): Manchester, New Hampshire

Publish date: 2024-05-15

My name is Brian LeMay and I attended the December 29th RAW Live House Show in Manchester, NH last night. Here’s some information on it.

I’ll start with the Melina possible torn ACL injury. The six diva match was Kelly Kelly, Melina and Gail Kim. The opposing team was Maryse, Katie Lee Burchill and Alicia Fox. The match started off pretty good, but at the end it appeared as if Melina was going for the Primal Scream or the LA Sunset finisher. She slipped and twisted her knee pretty good. You could see Jack Doan calling for the X signal and the trainers came out along with a stretcher. Kelly Kelly and Jack Doan were helping her to the back.

The first match was Santino Marella vs. Chavo Guerrero. Winner: Santino with a School Boy Pin. This match was hilarious. Santino is much funnier in person than on TV.

Second match – Jack Swagger vs. Primo. Winner: Jack Swagger with the Gut Wrench Powerbomb.

Third match – MVP vs. The Miz for the United States Championship. Winner: The Miz with the Skull Crushing Finale. MVP grabbed the mic and told the crowd that Timbaland was a friend of his and he managed to get The Miz for the title last night. The Miz was supposedly to have the night off.
