The Meaning Behind The Song: Small Bump by Ed Sheeran

Publish date: 2024-05-15

The Story Behind The Song

Small Bump is a song by the British singer-songwriter, Ed Sheeran. The song was released in 2012, as part of his album “+” (Plus). It is a sentimental and emotional ballad about the loss of an unborn child, which resonates with many listeners across the world.

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The song was written by Sheeran in honor of a close friend who had a miscarriage. Sheeran was devastated by the loss, and wanted to create a song that could help his friend come to terms with the tragedy. The lyrics are written from the perspective of the unborn child, who speaks to his mother about the life he could have had if he had been born.

The melody of the song is simple, yet beautiful, with Sheeran’s trademark acoustic guitar sound adding to the emotional impact of the lyrics. The song quickly became popular, and is now considered one of Sheeran’s most iconic pieces.

The Meaning Behind The Lyrics

The lyrics of Small Bump are poignant and heart-wrenching. They capture the thoughts and feelings of a mother who has lost her unborn child, and the child who never got to experience life.

The song begins by describing the mother’s joy upon discovering she is pregnant, and her anticipation of the life that lies ahead. The lyrics then turn somber, as the mother is informed that the fetus has stopped growing and has died. She is left with the sadness and emptiness of losing a child before he had a chance to be born.

The song then shifts perspective, as the unborn child speaks to his mother from the womb. He tells her that he is aware of what has happened, and that he still loves her even though he never got to meet her. He goes on to describe the life he could have had, if he had been born. The lyrics are heart-breaking, as they evoke the feelings of loss and longing that many parents feel when they lose a child.

The Impact of the Song

Small Bump is a powerful and emotional song that has touched the hearts of thousands of people around the world. Many listeners have found comfort in the lyrics, as they have helped them to come to terms with their own experiences of loss.

The song has also helped to raise awareness of the issue of miscarriage and stillbirth. Many people are unfamiliar with the extent of the problem, and Small Bump has helped to open up a conversation about the impact that losing an unborn child can have on families.

For Sheeran himself, the song holds a special place in his heart. He has described it as one of the most personal and meaningful songs he has ever written, and has dedicated it to his friend and her unborn child.


What inspired Ed Sheeran to write Small Bump?

Ed Sheeran wrote Small Bump in honor of a close friend who had a miscarriage. Sheeran was devastated by the loss, and wrote the song as a way to help his friend come to terms with the tragedy.

Why is Small Bump such an emotional song?

Small Bump is an emotional song because it deals with the sensitive and difficult subject of losing an unborn child. The lyrics are written from the perspective of both the mother and the unborn child, and capture the sadness, longing, and love that come with the experience of loss.

How did the public react to Small Bump when it was first released?

Small Bump was well-received by the public when it was first released. Many people found comfort in the lyrics, and the song quickly became popular among fans of Ed Sheeran.

What impact has Small Bump had on raising awareness of miscarriage and stillbirth?

Small Bump has helped to raise awareness of the issue of miscarriage and stillbirth. The song has opened up a conversation about the impact that losing an unborn child can have on families, and has encouraged people to talk about their experiences and seek support.

What is the message behind Small Bump?

The message behind Small Bump is one of love, loss, and coming to terms with the unexpected. The song speaks to the heartbreak of losing an unborn child, and the need to find comfort in the memories that remain.

How did Ed Sheeran come up with the melody for Small Bump?

Ed Sheeran’s trademark acoustic guitar sound is prominent in Small Bump. Sheeran says he often writes his songs on the guitar, and that the melody came to him as he was working on the lyrics.

Has Ed Sheeran ever performed Small Bump live?

Yes, Ed Sheeran has performed Small Bump live on many occasions. It is a popular song among his fans, and is often requested at his concerts.

What other songs by Ed Sheeran deal with emotional topics?

Ed Sheeran has written many songs that deal with emotional topics. Some of his other popular songs include Thinking Out Loud, Photograph, and Perfect, all of which have sentimental and romantic themes.

How did Small Bump impact Ed Sheeran’s career?

Small Bump helped to establish Ed Sheeran as a sensitive and emotional songwriter. The song resonated with many people, and helped to raise awareness of miscarriage and stillbirth. It also showed the depth and range of Sheeran’s talent as a songwriter and musician.

What does Ed Sheeran hope people will take away from Small Bump?

Ed Sheeran hopes that people will find comfort and solace in the lyrics of Small Bump. He has said that the song is a tribute to his friend and her unborn child, and that he hopes it can help others who have experienced similar loss.

What is the significance of the album title “+” (Plus)?

The album title “+” (Plus) is a reference to the mathematical symbol of addition. Ed Sheeran has said that the album represents a combination of different styles of music and songwriting, and that the title reflects this eclectic mix.

What other artists have written songs about miscarriage or stillbirth?

Many other artists have written songs about miscarriage or stillbirth. Some popular examples include Mariah Carey’s song Bye Bye, which was written about the loss of her own child, and Eric Clapton’s song Tears in Heaven, which was written following the death of his young son.

How has Ed Sheeran’s music evolved since the release of Small Bump?

Since the release of Small Bump, Ed Sheeran’s music has continued to evolve and expand. He has experimented with different genres and styles, and has collaborated with a range of artists. However, he has also continued to write emotional and sentimental songs, such as Photograph and Thinking Out Loud.
