The Meaning Behind The Song: Maneater by Hall & Oates

Publish date: 2024-05-15

Hall & Oates is a legendary pop duo that dominated the airwaves in the 1980s. With hits like “Rich Girl”, “Private Eyes”, and “Maneater”, they left an indelible mark in the music industry. Among their popular tunes, “Maneater” remains one of the most recognizable songs to this day. This article delves into the meaning behind the song and why it still resonates with listeners.

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The Origins of Maneater

“Maneater” was released in 1982 as part of the duo’s “H2O” album. Written by Daryl Hall, John Oates, and Sara Allen, the song became an instant hit, reaching number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Its irresistible beat, catchy melody, and unique lyrics continue to captivate audiences today.

The song’s inspiration came from Hall’s observation of women who were out to seduce men. As he mentioned in an interview, “Maneater is about greed, avarice, and spoiling things like Paris, France.” The song’s lyrics paint a picture of a woman who will do whatever it takes to get what she wants. “She’ll only come out at night / The lean and hungry type / Nothing is new, I’ve seen her here before / Watching and waiting, ooh, she’s sittin’ with you / But her eyes are on the door.”

The Message Behind Maneater

The song’s message is clear: beware of the maneater. The lyrics describe a woman who is ruthless, cunning, and ultimately dangerous. She preys on men and will stop at nothing to get what she wants. “Oh, here she comes / Watch out, boy, she’ll chew you up / Oh, here she comes / She’s a maneater.”

The song’s chorus is particularly catchy and had listeners singing along in no time. Despite the song’s upbeat tempo and catchy melody, its message is a serious warning against falling victim to the maneater’s wiles. The lyrics are a cautionary tale of the dangers lurking in the dating world.

Maneater’s Continued Relevance Today

Decades after its release, “Maneater” remains relevant to modern listeners. The song speaks to the timeless issue of human greed and the consequences of letting it take over. The lyrics suggest that the maneater is a metaphor for the temptations that people face in their daily lives. In a way, it’s a warning against becoming too focused on the material world and forgetting about what really matters.

Aside from the song’s universal message, its catchy melody and unique lyrics continue to make it a hit with audiences today. Its memorable chorus and clever wordplay have made it a staple on radio stations and in pop culture references. In fact, the song’s influence even extends to movies and TV shows. It’s been featured in movies like “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” and “The Night Before”. It’s also been used in TV shows like “Stranger Things” and “The Goldbergs”.


“Maneater” by Hall & Oates remains a classic pop hit that continues to stand the test of time. Its lyrics and message are still relevant today, serving as a cautionary tale against the dangers of greed and temptation. The song’s catchy tune and clever wordplay have made it a favorite of audiences for decades. So next time you hear “Maneater” on the radio, take a moment to appreciate its universal message and remember to beware of the maneater.
