Judge Mathis Asks His Sons Girlfriend If Shes on Crack

Publish date: 2024-05-15


Judge Greg Mathis and his wife, Linda, meet their son's new girlfriend. Here's how that meeting went and why Judge Mathis wanted to know if the new girlfriend had a crack habit.

Published on July 3, 2022

3 min read

Judge Greg Mathis and his wife Linda meet their son’s new girlfriend, Sally, during episode 4 of Mathis Family Matters. Mathis got down to business and asked Sally some tough questions during their meeting. One of his questions had to do with drug use. Here’s why he asked Sally if she was on crack.

Judge Mathis’ children have reservations about their brother’s new relationship

Amir’s siblings aren’t ready to meet his new girlfriend. They were so concerned about their brother that they staged an intervention. They gathered at his apartment to tell him he needs to slow down when it comes to relationships.

Amir’s plan is to introduce Sally, but they want him to wait at least 6 months. They’re concerned he’s moving too fast and that he will repeat mistakes from the past.

 Mathis and his wife, Linda, don’t have a problem with meeting Sally. Mathis says there’s nothing wrong with “a good interview.” He’s ready to grill the new lady in his son’s life and see what she’s all about. Linda agrees. “My thing is, I want to meet who he’s around,” says Linda during their E! reality show.

Linda also knows her son doesn’t waste time when it comes to matters of the heart. She wants to get a feel for his girlfriend because she could become part of the family soon. “Amir is always the person who is going to risk his heart for love,” says Linda. “I’d like to meet Sally now. He’s moves fast; in 6 months she might be a wife.”

Judge Mathis wants to know if his son’s girlfriend is on crack

Mathis and Linda had dinner with Sally and Amir so they could get to know her better. At one point, however, Mathis asked some probing questions. “Are you on crack?” he asks Sally. “You can had hide a crack habit for a whole year.” (Read more about Steven Tyler’s acid trip and how he “heard” Mother Nature talking to him.)

Then, Mathis asks his son if he’s on crack. Amir jokes that he and Sally tried crack together. Mathis then offers some relationship advice to Amir and Sally.

“Getting in a serious relationship, the two of you, is all about one, do you have common values and a common point of view on life. And the other thing is the risk involved in love. There’s a risk of your heart. If you’re willing to take the risk, go for it.” Although Mathis grilled Sally, all seemed to go well, and he even refers to her as his daughter-in-law.

Sally meets the rest of the Mathis family

Amir’s siblings didn’t think it was a good idea, but he decided to bring his girlfriend to a family gathering anyway.Greg Jr. gave his take on Amir’s relationship with Sally.

“It was never about Sally,” says Greg. “I think she is a perfectly nice woman. It’s just about [Amir] and I feel like I need to protect him a little bit. And as his older brother I feel I have that right.” Greg says he feels Sally “passed the test” after meeting the family.

How to get help: In the U.S., contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration helpline at 1-800-662-4357.

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