Suki Waterhouse Slammed 'Gossip Girl' Over a Sexist Joke About Her Relationship with Robert Pattinso

Publish date: 2024-05-14

Gossip Girl's latest one-line zinger took aim at Suki Waterhouse, and the model didn't take lightly to the show's not-so-subtle jab. This week, Waterhouse called out the reboot over a sexist joke made about her relationship with boyfriend Robert Pattinson in a series of since-deleted tweets.

In the third episode of the HBO Max series, Luna (Zión Moreno) attempts to teach new girl Zoya (Whitney Peak) — who is dating her half-sister's ex-boyfriend Obie (Eli Brown) — about the importance of image in the press after the couple is coined The Prince and the Popo by a blog.

"When are you going to get it?" Luna asks Zoya. "As far as the press is concerned, he's R-Patz and you're Suki Nobody."

Unsurprisingly, the pop culture reference didn't sit well with Waterhouse, who has been dating Pattinson since 2018. "Another day to be reminded that women can also be the patriarchy," Suki wrote over a screenshot of Luna and her BFF Monet (Savannah Smith) from an earlier scene, saying, "Fuck the patriarchy."

She also tagged Gossip Girl writer, Lila Feinberg, in her tweet before adding: "Seeing critiques of the patriarchy and sexism, then I get name-checked as somebody's nobody girlfriend. Make it make sense."

Waterhouse isn't the only celebrity who has been name-checked on the new Gossip Girl. Earlier this month, influencer Olivia Jade was the target of another disparaging comment on the show. "Everything will be fine so long as you win. Olivia Jade gained followers when her mom went to jail," one of the characters said, as the group of students discussed how "losing" is bad for the business of being an influencer. In response, Giannulli denied the claim in a clip on TikTok, saying: "No, I didn't."
