Star Wars: The Last Jedi director confirms who the last Jedi is

Publish date: 2024-05-14

Star Wars: The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson has finally put to bed the debate as to who the titular last Jedi is in Episode VIII.

[Warning: The following contains spoilers for Star Wars: The Last Jedi.]

Johnson was asked about the name by the New York Times and the director confirmed that Luke Skywalker is indeed the last Jedi. Johnson added that was always the intent he and the team at Lucasfilm had when they came up with the name, but admitted there might be room for interpretation once people have seen the movie. Johnson also implied that he didn’t think the title of the new movie would be as confusing or debate-worthy as it’s become, pointing out that this has been known since The Force Awakens.

“It’s in the opening crawl of The Force Awakens,” Johnson said. “Luke Skywalker, right now, is the last Jedi. There’s always wiggle room in these movies — everything is from a certain point of view — but coming into our story, he is the actual last of the Jedi. And he’s removed himself and is alone on this island, for reasons unknown.”

This isn’t the first time that Johnson has pointed out that The Force Awakens called Skywalker the last Jedi. During an interview with ABC in April, Johnson wouldn’t confirm The Last Jedi was about Luke Skywalker, but reiterated the importance of The Force Awakens.

“They say in The Force Awakens that he’s going to find the last Jedi temple, and Luke is the last Jedi,” Johnson said.

Ever since the title was first announced on Jan. 23, people have been trying to figure out what it could refer to. Was it a reference to Rey’s possible parentage? Was Jedi singular or plural?

Now, the conversation can be put to rest. Luke Skywalker is the last Jedi going in, but will he be the last Jedi by the end of the movie? We’ll have to wait and see.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi will be released on Dec. 15.
